Driving ‘Change Behavior’ at a large scale

Three Myths of Behavior Change – What You Think You Know That You Don’t: Jeni Cross at TEDxCSU = https://youtu.be/l5d8GW6GdR0 

My greatest adversary to lasting changes or transforming a system is the menace of common sense. there are many ways common sense leads us astray. Social scientist have observed the following and Jeni Cross describes them below:

  1. Education only cannot change peoples behavior. The common sense idea is that because we think people do not know. Information only help about 20% of people to change their behavior as found in research.
  2. How we present the information also matters, how do we make the information tangible – imagine telling them how big the whole in your house, this will motivate them to change instead of just describing tiny cracks in the house.
  3. Ensuring we personalize the change can triple the result when integrated with the first two points. This is the grounds for modeling and using celebrities to drive change efforts. Making the change around and about people.
  4. Tell people more about what they are losing than tell them what they are gaining. Framing loss and telling people what they lose in the long run motivates change in behavior. Knowing my audience is crucial and speaking to what appeals to them, what truly motivates them matters a lot.

Attitudes follow behavior, they do not predict them. To get people to engage in the behavior you want, then learn to set behavioral expectations for people and their behavior will yield towards it.

Try to understand peoples value and get what matters to them. Those who conserve things have a common value which is frugality. They do not want to waste gas, not want to waste money and do not waste time.

Research in social sciences have found that we don’t know what truly motivates us. Social scientist understands that social norms motivates our behavior, when our people are doing something, other people tends to follow suit. Social norms have the biggest impact on the people and it is least estimated and identified.

Making effective change and driving transformation, will be a huge war if you allow common sense be your guide. We must go beyond common sense to drive large scale changes in our educational system and our world.

Change Behavior- Change the World: Joseph Grenny at TEDxBYU – https://youtu.be/6T9TYz5Uxl0

The path to changing the world dwells in the capacity to change human behavior. we need to define the problem and this definition will determine how we tend to solve problem. This determines the technology, products and processes we put in place. Can we help people engage a good behavior daily and how do we take this to scale with large group of people. The tools for solving the challenges of changing human behavior is a systematic one, we need both technical expertise solutions and social scientist expertise as well.

There are six sources of interest that puts pressure on us continuously. To acquire new behavior, we always new skills to cope with it. therefore, we are under six pressures which for us to make better behavioral choices we need to be strong about

  1. Personal Motivation
  2. Personal Ability
  3. Social Motivation
  4. Social Ability
  5. Structural Motivation
  6. Structural Ability

These six factors needs to be put in place as a great strategy to help people move into new and better behavioral changes. We need to encourage motivation and abilities along the continuum on Personal, Social and Structural models.

Our environment can convince us we are nothing when we are really something great. Because the social influences around us always pushes us to believe otherwise. If we want to change the world, we have to be applied social scientist merging the best of technical solutions in building capabilities with those of motivations in driving human behaviors.

In relation to my innovation plan, which is to to solve the problem of students who graduate without owning their knowledge, hence they are not relevant to their world or industry. My growth plan is to ingrain transformational learning into our DNA at Valdymas College of Advanced Studies and Digital Transformation. I am engaging the school leadership, teachers in classrooms and online platforms to build a culture that is strongly advocating for and allocating resources towards Transformational Learning. My aim is to drive the minds of both teachers and students “from learning to transformational leadership”. I define transformational leaders as people who leverage applied knowledge to make history by solving their unique world challenges, are relevant to their industries, and transform the impossible circumstances they encounter in their world.

Based on my innovation plan for Valdymas College, our Transformational Learning will leverage digital platforms to ensure we:

✨ Fully implement ePortfolio  for all teachers and students. e-Portfolios will be used across all the subjects students are enrolled into in their Ordinary and Advanced Level Programs.

✨ Engage in continuous personal development for teachers and students on digital literacy and leadership

✨ Transform our classrooms into a more student-centered learning system with teachers using COVA to drive transformational learning.

  1. Harnessing Social Pressure https://youtu.be/wu7UBY5euBg
  2. All Washed Up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cW0qZl6IrkI
  3. Grenny J, Patterson K, Maxfield D, McMillan R, Switzler A. (2013) Influencer The New Science of Leading Change
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