Transformational Leadership: The Pandemic of Dishonor

Honor belongs to those who never forsakes the truth even when things seem dark and grim, who try over and over again, who are never discouraged by insults, humiliation and even defeat

Our world is seeing the origination of great amount of negative energy between the leading figure and those who are led because of widespread dishonour. I mean between Teachers and Students, Parents and Children, Mentors and Protégés, Coaches and Players, Employers and Employees, Pastors and Members, and Leaders and Followers. We now live in a damaged world with the pandemic of dishonour across different cadres of life. Leaders are fast losing values, standards, and visions, whereas, followers are fast losing restraints, they are demanding more from falling leaders.

Leaders and Followers must learn to embrace the process of transformational growth. This growth comes with ability to build character-based patterns when we go through challenges and not just embrace a life that seeks to defend reputations only. We are to grow internally with strength and maturity. There should be clear understanding that life only gives us the opportunity for transitional leadership and followership chain. These positions are timed-boxed. Therefore, honour must be instituted in our society to run a healthy system.

Honor is earned, earned based on the price paid for it. Honor should be reciprocal between two parties. The leading figure must demonstrate standardized influence, intellectual soundness, compassion, and inspiration. This can only be done when the leaders take full responsibility not just hold on to position with sincerity of purpose. When a leader drops the ball, then dishonor may be inevitable, especially when this is done consistently. This may force the leader to demand for respect, and when not given can lead to manipulation, intimidation, and domination.

The grand dishonor from those being led has been fueled by increasing awareness through education, entitlement, and emotional expressions. This is evil because it seeks to usurp authority and cause chaos in a system. Both the leaders and followers must take full responsibility for the orderliness, stability, and peace of their society.    

Honor simply speaks to your capacity to discover, celebrate, and reward the value expressed in another person’s life or your capacity to simply respect the working format of a principle. Honor is a dimension of wisdom like orderliness, it is different from love. Honor is like excellence; it is an attitude of the human spirit which is reflected to the mind and expressed by the body.

To carve a balance into this discussion for the follower to the leader, no man should be abused, subdued, racially profiled, enslaved, assaulted, manipulated against his will, or misused. Everyman deserves a degree of honor as dictated by their fundamental rights to live, love, play,

Summarized By Dr.Joshua Kolawole


Agile Program Manager & Transformational Leadership Expert, Valdymas Intelligence LLC, Grand Prairie, Texas, USA.

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