Transformational Leadership: Are you a Teachable Mind?

Transformational Leadership: Are You Teachable?

The transforming mind is a teachable mind. Teachability is an index that measures the capability of an individual for being instructed, taught, trained, mentored, and coached for a certain character development or competence in a skill or knowledge discipline.

Teachability can also be viewed as the capacity to demonstrate humility and the willingness to learn principles, patterns, and precepts that drives a skill or knowledge from anyone even under uncomfortable circumstances.

Nelson Mandela wrote that “after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.” Knowledge and leadership capacity development never ends. Transformation is a journey of a lifetime. Therefore, being teachable means we must remain open to teachings, mentoring, coaching, and trainings for life.

[Teaching + Training + Healthy Culture for Application] over a Period of time = Transformation of a people within the Context.

The Context that defines extent of transformation speaks to

  1. The degree of availability of talent/intelligence
  2. Timing in history or era of human existence.
  3. Nearness to the Clusters of available resources
  4. Culture of the people – either accepting or resisting transformation

A transforming mind – a good student who is in the beta phase – should take the posture of humility by demonstrating Availability. Availability for a student is being present in the physical location or on the platform of learning (if online) by actively listening to the teacher and also being engaged with his/her analytical mind. When either is missing, the student is not available for that moment. Being teachable is an active process. It requires discipline and diligence.

The demonstration of good transfer of knowledge or learning is

  • Clarity that is birthed in the mind of a student about the concept or topic,
  • The ability to Articulate or Communicate what you have learnt to anyone and
  • The Commitment that follows which drives the needed change that will ultimately lead to transformation.

A teacher is one whose occupation is to instruct or to help people learn in a comfortable environment. A good teacher is warm, approachable, accessible, firm, enthusiastic and caring about the students.

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.” — Bob Proctor.

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” — Oprah Winfrey.

A coach is a person (usually a facilitator or not always an expert) who trains a person or team to improve their intelligence, motivation, performance, focus and accountability for success on a task. They focus more on the current status of the individual and not on past successes and their goal is to get a future success.

Teachers, Mentors and Coaches are vital forces needed by a transforming mind to ensure transformation. Teachability is a function of the following two constructs:

  • Your degree of willingness to LEARN and your degree of willingness to accept

Summarized By Dr.Joshua Kolawole


Agile Program Manager & Transformational Leadership Expert, Valdymas Intelligence LLC, Grand Prairie, Texas, USA.

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