Think Fast, Talk Smart

Effective Communication

Managing Public Speaking

A public speaker must learn to manage anxiety and make the audience comfortable because if they can receive your message. Whether the message is sweet or harsh they have to be in a place where they can receive it.

Technics To Managing Public Speaking

  • When we start to feel the anxiety, we should simply greet our anxiety and acknowledging that it is normal and natural. This won’t stop the anxiety but it will stop it from spinning out of control.
  • Reframe how you see the speaking situation. Don’t be a performer, see at as a conversation

    i. Start with questions ii. Use conversational languages. “This is important to you”.

  • Be present oriented. (The tongue-twister challenge)

How To Feel More Comfortable Speaking In Spontaneous Situations

  1. Get out of your own way.
  2. Train your brain/mind to get out your own way. Find a problem to solve
  3. Dare to be dull
  4. Reframe the situation and see speaking as an opportunity to learn.
  5. Don’t just do something, stand there. Listen and then, respond
  6. Structure your story; it helps your audience remember.

Ways To Communicate A Structured Message

  1. Look for opportunity. Give solution and benefit
  2. What/who is it? Now what? i.e. what are we going to do next?

Summarized By Tolulope Afolayan

Digital Branding & Adminstrative Executive, Valdymas Intelligence, LLC, Grand Praire, Texas, Usa.

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