Transformational leadership

The Becoming of a Transformational Leader

The Becoming of a Transformational Leader In Dr. Joshua Kolawole’s book, “Transforming the Impossible: Building 9 Agile-Quality Minds for Leading Sustainable Improvements, Innovations, and Transformations,” the concept of transformational leadership is explored in-depth. Transformational leadership is not merely about tweaking existing systems but about fundamentally reshaping them to create something entirely new. It involves leading […]

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The Core Qualities of the Leaping Minds: Consistent Transformation in “Transforming the Impossible”

The Core Qualities of the Leaping Minds Dr. Joshua Kolawole’s “Transforming the Impossible: Building 9 Agile-Quality Minds for Leading Sustainable Improvements, Innovations, and Transformations” outlines a framework for cultivating the mindset needed for consistent personal and professional growth. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the core qualities that Dr. Kolawole identifies as essential for

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Fundamental Qualities You Must Build to Become or Maintain a Leaping Mind for Consistent Transformation

The Fundamental Qualities You Must Build to Become or Maintain a Leaping Mind for Consistent Transformation In the transformative journey of “Transforming the Impossible: Building 9 Agile-Quality Minds for Leading Sustainable Improvements, Innovations, and Transformations” by Dr. Joshua Kolawole, one of the key mindsets highlighted is the “Leaping Mind.” This mindset is crucial for achieving

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UNDERSTANDING SYSTEM THINKING  Summarized By Orisatuyi Muyiwa In the context of organizational transformation, leaders often emphasize the pursuit of operational excellence. However, operational excellence is not an end in itself; it serves as the foundation for broader system-wide transformations. This paradigm shift involves systems thinking, a framework that addresses the transformation of individuals, organizational culture,


Leading Your World by Dr. Joshua Kolawole.

Leading Your World In our journey through life, we encounter and resolve both technical and adaptive problems, often focusing heavily on technical expertise. However, effective leadership involves not only technical proficiency but also the crucial management of people and the environment, essential for guiding systems toward profitability. At the core of every system are humans,

Leading Your World by Dr. Joshua Kolawole. Read More »


FROM LEARNING TO LEADERSHIP By Dr Kolawole Joshua The motivation behind learning for many individuals is often misguided, as they frequently engage in learning solely to obtain certifications or pass professional examinations. Unfortunately, these individuals often overlook the fact that the true purpose of learning is to bring about transformation. Regrettably, many fail to

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Fix Yourself Before It’s Too Late

Embracing Change: Transform Your Life for the Better By Jordan Peterson: Fix yourself Before it’s too Late – There are identifiable mishaps in someone’s life that at their discovery needs to be stopped. Through a thorough meditation, one can identify the wrong things one has been engaged in and it is expected that one

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THE TRANSFORMING CULTURE – Dr Joshua Kolawole By Dr Joshua Kolawole; The world is evolving and this is bringing about radical and constant changes. We have prevalent climate change, technological change, changes in the financial system and human change, among many others. All these changes are leading to a significant cultural change. Hence, there

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Living by Godly Principles by Dr Ben Carson

Living by Godly Principles  By Dr Ben Carson; In his speech at Patrick Henry College, renowned neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson shared invaluable insights on living by godly principles and unlocking the boundless potential within each of us. In this post, we’ll delve into the key takeaways from Dr. Carson’s speech

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