Consider each day of your existence on this planet and invest it wisely in building your life and more importantly a legacy for your name. You have a finite time here on earth, invest it wisely and build for yourself a great name, eternal excellence, and the joy of many generations to come. Ask yourself the true value in each of your day, not just the numbers of each day.
Your life is yours, and like anything else that belongs to you, it can be built the way you want. As long as you can imagine your dreams, you can make them a reality. The power is in your hands. You have all the cards; you just need to play them well.
Cornel Manu, Building the Life You Want Tweet
Build according to a blueprint
What is in the blueprint of your life? In developed cities, buildings are built according to a blueprint. These blueprints are plans or drawings designed by seasoned experts working with the rough ideas of the building in the mind of the owner(s). These designs are submitted for review and evaluation by another set of experts working for the City or the Government. After a couple of reviews with possible back and forth between the two teams an approval or a permit is granted for building.
The purpose of the building is a paramount determinant of all the factors that would be considered. The safety of the building in alignment with purpose, the functional capacity of the building in alignment with purpose, the suitability of the building for the environment where it will be located, the elegance of the building in alignment with purpose and the materials, methods, machinery, and the skill set of the manpower to be used will be a function of the purpose of the building.
Therefore, to build your life, you definitely need a blueprint, but more importantly for the design of the blueprint is a definitive purpose of why you exist here on earth. The problem you are here to solve based on the capacities and talents you carry. Work with transformational coaches, mentors, teachers, and leaders you have access to and craft to the best you can for now a purpose. Then work on a blueprint showing the strategic actions of Dos and Don’ts for your life to achieve the purpose.
Build with deep foundation
Upon discovery of purpose, even when not very clear, you need to know that the deeper your foundation, the taller will be the building. This means that the more investment you put into developing your capacity when you are not yet known, the more the impact you will make publicly.
You want to develop all the knowledge, skills and abilities required to fulfill your purpose. You must dig so deep in search for these capabilities for you to become great. This will strength the legacy of your built life to last for long, even after you are long gone.
Build with Solid Pillars and Quality Blocks
The journey to purpose discovery and fulfilment of the purpose is tough and it will test your character, mettle, and resolve. You must be willing to give your all for it. The journey is not for half-hearted people.
Therefore, good character virtues are the needed solid pillars and building blocks you want to build your life on such as: Integrity, Discipline, Justice, Equity, Noble cause, Right values, Endurance, Excellence, Empowering, Enlightening, Encouraging, Exciting, and Honorable.
It’s exciting to note that if you want your life to stable, strong and you will love to build to last, you must build with these pillars.
Build with skilled men for alignment
Build with advice and mentorship. Submit for expert coaching. Be teachable and trainable. Attend the best of training institutions. Stretch your mind by listening to experts in your field. Football players on the street, don’t become great unless they submit themselves to a coach, who will groom them until they become professionals. Therefore, be willing to learn even under uncomfortable conditions, till you become great.
Don’t run away from highly skilled tutors who put you through rigorous discipline, though painful today, the end of it is transformation, if you don’t quit. Remember winners don’t quit and quitters don’t win. Train yourself to be very competent and become an expert.
Build with Orderliness and according to Plan. Evaluate.
Build your life with intelligent arrangement of your priorities. Focus on things that are more important on the plan and execute them in order of urgency and need. Ensure you put in place sound evaluation system for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly evaluation. Remember, “the unlived life is not worth examining, but the unevaluated life is also not worth living” paraphrased from a statement credited to Socrates.
Therefore, make sure you are living not just existing, live according to plan and keep evaluating the outputs, the outcomes, and impacts of your life.
Build with Aesthetics and Elegant Fixtures
Build with elegance. The world cares about nice design interface. Leverage on the best design materials for your product. Focus on customer service excellence if you are providing services. Your book will first be judged by its cover, get a great design.
Dress sharp and present yourself well. Improve your communication skills. Ensure your life radiates joy and beauty. Be a laughing mind. Radiate brilliance and glory in all that you do.
Build to Last
Ensure you put in structure into everything you do, to enhance sustainability. Put in place policies to drive your key processes, create a plan for allocation of resources to drive the system, drive leadership commitment, responsibility, and accountability.
To build sustainability into the organization, the core values must be clear, reward the work of performance improvement, establish clear information and communication flow, and put in structure for continuous capacity development.
Build to Finish
In all that you set out to achieve, be a completer. When you set out to achieve a degree, do everything in your power to finish it. If it’s a certification or vocation, ensure you complete the training, pass the exam, and get certified. Make sure at every point in your life, you are committed to finishing an endeavor.
I urge you to build your life, each day at a time. Every new day, week, month, and year offers us a new template to catch new passions, visions, purposes, and disciplined actions required for building our lives to position us for transformation. Think through these few points of mine, research more on the changes that are related to your own blueprint and purposes. In all that you find, please believe in your own dignity, and trust your ability to make it to greatness. I wish you big leaps and safe landings on higher platforms any time you dare the impossible.
Summarized By Dr.Joshua Kolawole
Agile Program Manager & Transformational Leadership Expert, Valdymas Intelligence LLC, Grand Prairie, Texas, USA.