Professional Learning, Risk-Taking, and Lifelong Learning in the Classroom
The role of education is evolving rapidly.
Teachers, once the primary authority in classrooms, are becoming facilitators who guide and collaborate with students. This transformation is reflected in students becoming comfortable with discomfort, leading the way, and taking their lead, embracing collaboration with a mindset that welcomes mistakes as part of growth.
Drawing insights from the “Innovation That Sticks” case study, the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) approach to risk-taking and collaborative learning, and the report on teacher development, this discussion addresses critical shifts in educational practice.
Comfortable with being uncomfortable
Being “comfortable with being uncomfortable” refers to the willingness to step out of your comfort zone and engage in activities that challenge the norms of teaching and learning. This mindset is about embracing uncertainty, experimenting with new methods, and acknowledging that growth comes from struggle. The OCSB case study exemplifies this with teachers engaging in risk-taking behaviors by adopting innovative teaching methods. These educators willingly step away from traditional instructional methods to explore student-centered learning models such as project-based learning and personalized learning paths. By accepting discomfort, teachers grow professionally and open themselves up to new strategies that may initially feel foreign or challenging but ultimately benefit both them and their students.
When educators accept that discomfort is part of the learning process, they are more likely to adopt innovative teaching methods, even if these methods involve uncertainty. This mirrors what we often expect from students—pushing beyond their own limits to discover new competencies. In professional learning environments, embracing discomfort can lead to deeper reflection, professional growth, and improved student outcomes.
Listening and becoming co-learners
In today’s educational landscape, it is increasingly important for teachers to listen to their students and take their lead. Listening to students involves actively paying attention to their needs, interests, and feedback and adjusting lessons accordingly. This aligns with the OCSB’s practice of co-learning, where teachers collaborate with students as fellow learners in the journey. As teachers become co-learners, they position themselves as facilitators of knowledge, rather than as the sole possessors of information.
Co-learning encourages a dynamic relationship between students and teachers, where students’ voices are valued, and their experiences are leveraged to enrich the learning environment. For example, a student who is passionate about environmental sustainability might lead a class project on climate change, allowing the teacher to guide the process but also learn alongside the student. This empowers students, fosters engagement, and promotes deeper learning experiences.
In the report on teacher development, active listening and following students’ leads are highlighted as integral to modern teaching practices. When educators recognize students as co-creators of knowledge, the power dynamics in the classroom shift, allowing for more authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
Collaboration in Fostering risk-taking and co-learning
Collaboration among educators is essential in navigating discomfort, embracing co-learning, and improving instructional practices. The OCSB case study emphasizes how teachers work together to share ideas, support each other in risk-taking, and reflect on their experiences. This collective approach to problem-solving provides teachers with a sense of security and support as they try new instructional methods or experiment with new technologies.
Collaboration fosters an environment where teachers feel safe to fail and learn from their mistakes, just as they encourage their students to do. For instance, a teacher might try a new approach to project-based learning and, through reflective discussions with colleagues, identify areas for improvement. These reflective practices are integral to the ongoing development of both the individual educator and the larger teaching community.
When educators collaborate, they gain multiple perspectives, making it easier to embrace the discomfort of trying something new. Moreover, through collaboration, teachers can observe how their peers listen to students, take the lead from learners, and integrate these practices into their own classrooms.
the role of mistakes and failure in learning
Mistakes are often seen as setbacks, but in reality, they are an essential part of both teachers’ and students’ learning processes. Both the OCSB case study and the report on professional development emphasize the importance of creating a risk-friendly environment, where mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth rather than failures.
For students, this might involve grappling with a complex project, receiving feedback, and refining their work until they meet the learning objectives. For teachers, making mistakes—whether it’s implementing a new technology incorrectly or underestimating the time needed for a project—can lead to valuable insights into their teaching practices. The key is to reflect on these mistakes, collaborate with peers, and adjust strategies moving forward.
Encouraging students to see their mistakes as learning opportunities fosters resilience and a growth mindset—the belief that abilities can be developed through hard work and persistence. Similarly, teachers who model this mindset by reflecting on their own challenges and sharing these reflections with students promote a classroom culture that values perseverance and continuous improvement.
students as partner in learning and collaboration
Viewing students as partners in learning means recognizing that they bring unique perspectives, skills, and ideas that can augment a teacher’s knowledge and abilities. When teachers view their students’ support and collaboration as augmenting their own skills, they allow for a more diverse, inclusive, and responsive learning environment. For instance, students proficient in digital media can introduce new tools or techniques that teachers may not have previously considered, enhancing both their peers’ and the teacher’s learning experience.
By involving students in the planning, execution, and assessment of their own learning, teachers gain valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t from the student’s perspective. This co-construction of knowledge creates a sense of ownership and agency for students, which, in turn, improves motivation and engagement. Moreover, this collaboration helps teachers remain flexible and adaptable, encouraging them to approach their roles as facilitators who guide learning rather than dictating it.
lifelong, personal learning and risk-taking
Emphasizing lifelong learning and personal learning is crucial in today’s educational environment. The rapid pace of technological and social change requires both educators and students to continually adapt and learn new skills. The growth mindset, as highlighted by Carol Dweck, plays a pivotal role here—both students and teachers need to believe that they can improve and evolve over time (Dweck, 2006).
By embracing lifelong learning, educators position themselves as role models for their students, demonstrating the value of curiosity, persistence, and adaptability. This mindset extends to professional development, where teachers are encouraged to take risks in their own learning—whether it’s adopting a new teaching method, incorporating emerging technologies, or rethinking traditional pedagogies.
Risk-taking, both in learning and teaching, is essential for innovation in education. As demonstrated by the OCSB case study, when teachers take risks in their teaching practices, they create opportunities for deeper, more meaningful learning experiences for their students. Whether it’s introducing project-based learning, incorporating digital portfolios, or co-learning with students, teachers must be willing to step outside their comfort zones to foster a culture of innovation in the classroom.
In conclusion, being comfortable with discomfort, listening to students, fostering collaboration, embracing failure, and promoting lifelong learning are essential components of a dynamic and evolving educational landscape. The OCSB’s risk-taking approach, combined with reflections on professional learning, demonstrates that these principles not only enhance teacher development but also create more engaging and effective learning environments for students. As educators continue to evolve, these practices will become increasingly central to ensuring that both teachers and students thrive in the 21st-century classroom.
🌊 Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Random House.
🌊 Ottawa Catholic School Board. Innovation That Sticks Case Study.
🌊 National Staff Development Council. (2009). Professional Learning in the Learning Profession: A Status Report on Teacher Development in the U.S. and Abroad.