What would it take you to shift your way of thinking?
“If you will get better, everything will get better for you – your income, your future and the change must begin from inside you not from the circumstances/wind that is blowing around you” – Matt Abrahams.
If you’ll change your philosophy, if you’ll change your habits, if you’ll refine your thinking, if you’ll change and accept some new disciplines, if you’ll turn the corner where you’ve been in the past, go for a new life for the future. All kinds of remarkable things will happen for you if you will change.
How can we make drastic changes?
- Learn from your past experience: We must learn to learn from our past personal experiences and fix what needs to be corrected.
- Learn from other’s experience: The people you meet can pass along to you their experiences, what has happened to them, the mistakes they made, how they corrected them and how they change their future
There are two kinds of people to learn from
- Failure – People that didn’t achieve their aims and objectives.
- Success – People that achieve the aims and objectives.
Ways of Learning
- By observation – We learn from what we see, we watch people that are successful in what they do.
- By listening – We listen to the lectures, teachers, to someone who’s got something good to say
- By reading – Read all the books you can possibly read in your life, keep a journal, jot some of the ideas that impress you. Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Absorb all that is been taught to you and later you can sort it according to how valuable they are to you for your life, business, and future.
Setting Goals
Things to consider in terms of attitude
- How you feel about the past: Treat the past be a school and not a burden to carry.
- How you feel about the future: The future is a promise. There’s two ways to face the future (apprehension and anticipation).
- Make a list: If the future gets clear, if the price get easier and for every promise, there is a price to pay.
One of the reasons for setting goals is what it will make of you for achieving it. Set the kind of goals that will make something of you. Don’t set them too low so that you don’t have to grow, read, try and stretch. Don’t sell out, that is going for something that’s going to cost you your virtue or cost you your value or sell out your principles. Go for goals that will help you Inspire, Grow, Change, Develop and become better than you are.
Here are some key phrases:
Wisdom uninvested in labor is wasted.
Faith uninvested is wasted and produces nothing.
To start making progress, you have to put faith and philosophy into activity and this will turn nothing into something.
How do you turn nothing into something?
Imagination: This is not tangible yet but it is the beginning of turning nothing into something
Faith: To believe what you imagined can be possible. We study from our testimony(if I did it before, I can do it again). Study from other testimonies (if they can do it, then I can do it). Faith is a substance of hope; it is called the Unseen Magic.
Disciplined Activity: Faith and imagination without the activity serves no useful purpose
Exercise the Mind by ideas, debate on the both side (good and bad). Go to library, we have three kinds of library
- The Visual Library: what you can see (Repetition is the mother of learning).
- The Reading Library: Read on both sides(good and bad)
- The Listening Library: Listen to someone or something with value.
Whatever you do, do not become a victim of yourself.
Sort through what you have gone through and make sure what you finally do is the product of your own conclusion. Give yourself a chance to change, reevaluate.
Summarized By Tolulope Afolayan
Digital Branding & Adminstrative Executive, Valdymas Intelligence, LLC, Grand Praire, Texas, Usa.